Tuesday, January 16, 2007

To Hear or Not to hear.. Listen?

I wanted to talk about my appraisal but didn't know how to get about to start.

My first appraisal this year. I'd have to admit it was good. Well.. my best so far. And it is from someone in the management instead of my direct supervisor.

I asked about my possibilities of job advances. He explained to me that I should be fine, along with many good comments that I was very good with customers & that I indeed have a great potential of a good leader.
Something very nice to hear.

Until the end of the day. When he handed the appraisal to me, he admitted that I was great, I was an ideal worker.. BUT I am not a role model.

"There isn't fire in you! The enthusiasm & passion is dying." Heck, how did he see that (maybe he's angel in human form) when he just said all the best things that a staff could have????

"Be very careful. Because once the fire is off, it's very hard to reignite it."
True. Very true.

Frankly.. I have been demoralized on this job for so many years. And as the day passed, the more I feel the days I'm dragging my feet to work. Even when it's the project I most look forward to. No joke, being this tired, this "condemned", who wouldn't?
I'm only human.

Still.. why he bothered telling me?? Is it because I care? Or is it as he said; I have great potential & it'll be too bad to see it go to waste?

It was a nice day at work. Although.. I was quite shocked at the end.
But that's ok. I take it as.. he sees that I care to improve. In Which I do.

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